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Exposing the Truth: How Fear-Mongering About NMP Is Hurting the Lash Industry

Exposing the Truth: How Fear-Mongering About NMP Is Hurting the Lash Industry

Hello Lash Lovers,

Joy Crossingham here, founder of LashJoy. Today, I’m addressing a false narrative that's been pushed by an individual in our industry—one that spreads toxic misinformation and undermines the integrity of lash brands everywhere. Recently, a certain overseas lash brand owner (who shall remain nameless) posted a video on social media attacking the use of N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP), a common ingredient in lash adhesives. In one breath, she’s spreading toxic lies about us and other brands using NMP, and in the next, she’s conveniently plugging her own adhesive range with "super fast international shipping." Cringe, right? It’s clear this wasn’t an educational video—it was a thinly veiled sales pitch, but points for effort, I guess.

What’s the Deal with NMP?

Let’s get to the facts. NMP is a widely used ingredient in lash adhesives for a reason—it works. It enhances viscosity and ensures a strong, lasting bond. You’ll also find it in everyday products like mascara, eyeliner, wooden toys and even eye medicine. So why the scare tactics? Some concerns stem from animal studies where high doses of NMP caused reproductive issues in rats. However, these effects were observed only at extreme concentrations far higher than those approved for use in beauty products. 

The Facts: NMP is Safe

Here’s what really matters: the Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS), a body that rigorously evaluates chemical safety, has confirmed that NMP is safe for use in concentrations up to 2%. Our LashJoy adhesive contains just 0.1%—that’s twenty times lower than the accepted safety limit. We’re not just complying with safety standards; we’re far below the threshold, making our products, along with many other reputable brands, completely safe.

However, this individual claims that NMP shouldn’t be deemed safe in her opinion because "it can’t ethically be tested on humans". Is she seriously unaware that since the 1970s, chemical safety boards have adapted several reliable methods to assess product safety that can't be ethically tested on humans? These include advanced computer modelling, lab testing on human cells, and various health studies—globally trusted methods that have been in place for decades. To imply that NMP hasn’t been thoroughly tested is either ignorance or a deliberate attempt to mislead.

AICIS: The Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme is responsible for assessing the safety and risks of chemicals used in industrial products, including adhesives. They have confirmed that NMP is safe when used in concentrations up to 2%.

TGA: The Therapeutic Goods Administration supports the evaluation of chemicals like NMP through advanced methods like computer modelling and lab testing on human cells. These globally recognised techniques ensure that NMP, when used within regulated concentrations, poses no significant adverse effects. 



Why Lash Brands Choose NMP

There’s also a rumour that NMP is used because it’s cheap. This couldn’t be further from the truth. If lash brands, including us, were looking to cut costs, there are far cheaper, less effective alternatives out there. NMP is chosen because it’s the best option for creating a high-performance adhesive. After speaking with our adhesive manufacturer in Korea, it’s clear that many leading lash brands worldwide use NMP in their lash adhesives, however, as the concentrations are so minimal (like ours) they often don’t even appear on Safety Data Sheets (SDSs).

The Real Issue: Spreading Fear, Not Facts

This kind of behaviour isn’t just an attack on one brand; it harms the entire lash community. By creating a false sense of risk, this individual is trying to make lash artists feel guilty, as if they’re endangering theirs and their clients’ health when that’s simply not the case. It’s a manipulative tactic designed to drive fear and boost sales, and it’s absolutely despicable.

Her actions don’t just cast doubt on products like ours—they undermine the livelihoods of lash artists who trust and rely on these products. The irony is clear: she’s spreading fear while pushing her own agenda. Her disregard for the truth is as transparent as her sales pitch.


lash adhesive aquila


Our Commitment to Integrity

At LashJoy, we’ve built our reputation on transparency, quality, and integrity. We stand by our products because they’re safe, effective, and rigorously tested. We will never stoop to fear-mongering or manipulation to sell products. When you choose LashJoy, you’re choosing a brand that prioritises safety and honesty, not scare tactics.

Thank You for Your Support

To our customers, students, and supporters—thank you for your trust and loyalty. We will always prioritise your safety and the quality of our products, without resorting to cheap tricks or underhanded tactics.

If you have any questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to provide the facts, not fear.

Now, if you want to buy our adhesive... just kidding! Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Let’s keep elevating the lash industry together.

Stay amazing,

Joy Crossingham

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