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Struggling as a Lash Artist? Thrive with Our Expert Strategies

Struggling as a Lash Artist? Thrive with Our Expert Strategies

What it Takes to Truly Succeed as a Lash Artist

Becoming a successful lash artist isn’t just about mastering the technique of applying lashes—it’s about building a business, developing strong habits, and committing to continuous growth. Having been in this industry since 2008, I can tell you first-hand that success doesn’t come overnight. It takes dedication, resilience, and a genuine passion for what you do.

If you’re ready to take the leap and become a thriving lash artist, here’s what it really takes to succeed.

Education: The Right Course Will Save You Years of Frustration

Education is the foundation of your career. The right training course will not only save you from years of trial and error but could be the difference between success and burnout.

How to:

  • Choose Wisely: Don’t limit yourself to what’s available in your city. If possible, consider training in other locations. At LashJoy Academy, over 50% of the students who attend our lash and brow courses each month travel from interstate, and sometimes even from overseas. We once had a student fly all the way from Saudi Arabia to attend a beginner course—and she loved it so much that she flew back for advanced training.

    While flying overseas might not be possible for everyone, travelling interstate for the right course could be a game-changer. Whatever you do, don’t try to teach yourself from TikTok or attend a one-day course and “figure it out as you go.” That’s a 99% chance of failure—we see it all the time. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.

Pro Tip: Your training is an investment in your future, so choose wisely. The quality of your education will directly impact your confidence and success as a lash artist.

Dedication: Your Success is 50/50

Your training provider can only take you so far. The other half of your success depends entirely on your dedication after the course. The best lash artists are the ones who put in the hours and commit to constant improvement.

How to:

  • Set Aside Time to Practise: This is critical. Don’t attend a course just before you’re about to go on a two-month overseas holiday, or if you’re about to give birth. You need to have adequate time post-training to practise what you’ve just learnt. Whether it’s before work, after work, or on weekends, you must commit to building your skills. The first 4-8 weeks after your course are crucial for solidifying your confidence and technique.

  • Stay Consistent: Even after mastering the basics, continuous practice is what makes a good artist great. Schedule regular practice sessions to keep refining your skills.

Pro Tip: Practice isn’t just something you do when you have free time—it’s what separates good lash artists from great ones. Make it a priority.

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

When you first start, you’ll probably feel like you’re terrible—and that’s completely normal. Every master lash artist started as a beginner who didn’t know how to hold their tweezers, let alone apply lashes with precision. It’s all about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.

How to:

  • Be Kind to Yourself: It’s not uncommon for confident women and men to be brought to tears in a beginner lash course because they don’t master it right away. If you’re used to being competent in what you do, it can be a shock to struggle with something new. But remember, learning takes time. It’s not “I can’t do it”—it’s “I can’t do it yet.”

  • Push Your Limits: Enter a lash competition, try a challenging style, or work on clients with difficult lash types. These experiences will push you outside your comfort zone and accelerate your growth.

Pro Tip: Be patient with yourself. Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. You’re still a baby in the lash industry, and every lash master started exactly where you are now!

Marketing: Be Seen, Be Known

You could be the best lash artist in the world, but if no one knows you exist, you’ll never grow. Marketing is key to building your reputation, winning new clients, and reminding current clients why they chose you.

How to:

  • Embrace Social Media: Love it or hate it, every small business owner is also a social media and marketing manager. You have to actively let potential clients know you exist, especially when you’re just starting out. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are essential for showcasing your work, engaging with potential clients, and building your brand.

    Not sure what to post? Check out our eBook, "Content Strategy and Ideas for Lash Artists," for guidance on creating content that attracts and engages your ideal audience.

Pro Tip: Social media is your digital storefront. Post consistently, show your best work, and let your personality shine through to build trust with potential clients.

Price Correctly: You’re More Than Just a Lash Stylist

Pricing your services correctly is essential for running a sustainable business. You’re not just charging for the lashes you apply—you’re charging for the time you spend as a receptionist, marketer, admin, and cleaner.

How to:

  • Understand Your Worth: In Australia, as a general guide, you should not be charging less than $80 per hour for your services. Don’t make the mistake of thinking, “My supplies only cost a few dollars per service, so if I charge $50, I’m doing fine.” You’re not. There are countless micro-expenses that will eat away at your profit faster than you can imagine.

  • Factor in All Your Roles: You’re not just a lash artist; you’re running the entire business. You’re also handling marketing, administration, client communication, and even cleaning. Your pricing needs to reflect that.

Pro Tip: You’re selling time, and time is a limited resource. You cannot scale time like a physical product, so you should never aim to be the cheapest option or operate on razor-thin margins.

Build Good Habits: Never Take Shortcuts

Great lash artists don’t take shortcuts. Whether it’s hygiene, technique, or posture, every detail matters. The habits you develop early on will stick with you throughout your career, so build good ones from the start.

How to:

  • Damage-Free Application: Always prioritise the health of your client’s natural lashes. Take the time to apply lashes correctly, even if it takes longer in the beginning. During our training sessions, I would much rather see a beginner apply five perfect lashes in five minutes than 25 lashes with crooked bases, uneven distance from the lid, or stickies. There is no “fake it 'til you make it” in lash artistry—good work takes time and precision.

  • Hygiene is Non-Negotiable: Keep your workspace and tools clean, and never skip sanitation steps. This protects both you and your clients, and it’s something they’ll appreciate. Let your clients see this hygiene in action. For instance, when they arrive, if you’re disinfecting your station, that’s a good thing. When they lie down, tell them to get comfortable while you wash your hands. At our salon, we wear gloves and masks, and clients often comment on how much they appreciate the extra care we take.

  • Posture for Longevity: Pay attention to your posture from the very beginning. Poor posture can lead to burnout and injuries, cutting your career short. Set yourself up for long-term success by practising good posture from day one. If you want to learn the techniques I use to stay pain-free after 16+ years of lashing, check out my YouTube tutorial on this topic!

Pro Tip: Master the basics and build good habits early. In the long run, they won’t only protect your clients, but they’ll also ensure the longevity of your career.

Use Quality Products: Your Clients Will Notice

The products you use—adhesive, lashes, tools—play a huge role in the quality of your work. Many businesses start out using high-quality products but eventually cut corners by switching to cheaper alternatives to maximise profits. Don’t fall into that trap.

How to:

  • Invest in the Best: Use high-quality adhesives, lashes, and tools. Your clients will notice the difference, and this will build trust in your expertise. High-quality products help you deliver consistent, long-lasting results that keep clients coming back.

  • Consistency is Key: Stick with products that give you consistent results. Switching to cheaper alternatives might save you money in the short term, but it will cost you clients in the long run. Lash quality, adhesive strength, and even the feel of your tools affect the overall client experience and the outcome.

Pro Tip: One of the biggest mistakes I see lash artists make is not maintaining fresh lash adhesive or trying to stretch out their adhesive beyond its 30-day shelf life after being opened. Trust me when I say replacing your adhesive at $50 a month is much cheaper than replacing the clients you lose because your lashes don’t last consistently.

Focus on Building Relationships

Being a lash artist isn’t just about applying lashes—it’s about building relationships with your clients. In many cases, you’ll find that you’re part lash stylist, part therapist. The connection you create with your clients is what keeps them coming back.

How to:

  • Be a Good Listener: Clients often see their lash appointments as “me-time.” Make them feel heard and valued. Listen to their stories, remember important details about their lives, and build genuine relationships.

  • Encourage Referrals: When clients feel connected to you, they’re much more likely to refer you to friends and family. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful marketing tools, and it all starts with strong client relationships.

Pro Tip: Connection matters more than you think. Clients will often leave a lash artist they don’t connect with, even if the lashes are good, in favour of someone they feel a bond with. Focus on building genuine connections, and your client retention will skyrocket.

Treat Your Business Like a Business

It’s easy to treat your lash business as a hobby when you’re first starting out, but if you want to succeed, you need to treat it like a real business from day one.

How to:

  • Stay Organised: Keep track of your bookings, income, and expenses. Use scheduling and accounting tools to stay on top of things. Organisation is the backbone of any successful business. Having everything in order will help you focus on what matters most—delivering great service to your clients.

  • Set Boundaries: Don’t let clients take advantage of you, whether it’s a friend expecting free lashes or someone who consistently cancels last minute. Setting clear boundaries from the start is essential. It’s okay to have a separate price menu for friends and family, but make sure it still covers your minimum hourly rate. While offering free services might be okay in the beginning, make it clear that this is a temporary arrangement as you gain experience.

  • Set Goals: Treat your business with the same seriousness you’d expect from any other business. Set short-term and long-term goals for growth, revenue, and client retention. Having clear goals will give you direction and help you stay focused on building a successful lash business.

Pro Tip: Your business will only be as professional as you treat it. Set boundaries, manage your time effectively, and plan for the future. Your clients—and your business—will thank you for it.


Succeeding as a lash artist takes more than just technical skill—it takes education, dedication, and a commitment to building strong client relationships. It requires treating your business with the same respect and seriousness that you would any other career. Follow these steps, and remember: the key to success is to keep growing, keep learning, and stay focused on what makes you and your business unique.


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